Posted May 26, 2020

In Tableau


Read time 2 mins

Tableau is constantly improving by adding new and innovative features to improve your data insights. With the new release of Tableau 2020.2, Tableau has introduced Animations, a visually pleasing way to follow and track changed in your data. We’ll show how easy it is to track your changes.


Connecting to Sample – Superstore, create a common bar chart using Sub-Category and Sales and sort the fields by Sales.

Add a single value list filter for Year. Drag Order Date onto Filter, select Discrete Year, select all, then right-click the filter and show filter. Use the drop-down beside the legend title to make it a single value list.

As you click through the results, see that the Sub-Categories appear in their new section every time a year is selected.

To allow Animations in your data set, select Format >Animations, and turn them ON.

To get the full effect, change the Duration to 1.00 second (Slow).

Now use the Year filter again and watch the changes. Now the bars will travel to their new position when the corresponding Year is selected.

Colour the bars for greater emphasis, for example, by placing Sales on Colour.

Check out this short video of the summary here:


Animations can also be used to track changes over time. Connecting to Sample – Superstore, create a Scatter Plot using Profit and Sales and Product Name on Detail.

To allow Animations in your data set, select Format >Animations, and turn them ON.

To get the full effect, change the Duration to 1.00 second (Slow)

Add colour to the points by adding Category into Color.

Take Year and drag it onto Pages, Pages is used in order to show changing dimensions over time, when a visualization using pages is published to the Tableau Server it can automatically begin to play. With this and animations we can see how our data changes and progresses over time.

Check out the editor under the colour legend and select play to see your point change. Add additional features, like trails and history to follow particular points, and tell a story within your viz.

Check out this short video of the summary here:

Written By:


[email protected]

Kathleen is a Data Analytics Lead at Newcomp Analytics. She believes data visualization, like Tableau, holds tremendous value in making information accessible and continues to enable users from data beginners to experts alike to become data rockstars.
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