IBM has released a new simplified license model offering more capabilities for users. These license changes affect all Cognos 10.x customers and will be reflected in your upcoming Support & Subscription renewal. The new license structure reduces the license types from 11 to 5.
In addition to reducing the number of license types, IBM has also released a new license called “Forward Looking Analytics Architect”. This license has all the same capabilities as the Analytics Administrator plus 400 PVUs of the IBM Cognos Analytics Server (TM1 Cubes) and SPSS Modeler Client for BI. This gives the user access to BI reports and dashboards infused with Predictive Analytics.
What about Consumer?
Consumers can trade up to BI Analytics User for $727 CAD per AU*. PVU** for lower roles (Remote Recipient, Recipient, Active Report Recipient, Mobile Consumer) were replaced with Information Distribution PVUs. Consumer licenses will no longer be available for sale after Q1 2015.
BI Licenses that do not automatically evolve:
A few licenses will not be affected by the changes. The Business Manager (Metrics Studio) will remain the same. Recipient and Remote Recipient on AU model is not currently affected but there is a strategy being worked on to move these to PVU model for Information Distribution. All Series 7 Licenses will not change, C7 customers will be in “Support” only as of April 2016 with no further product enhancements. There is options for C7 customers to trade up to the new Cognos 10 licenses.
If you would like more details on License Changes or have questions, please join us on June 23rd for our License Changes Webinar. If you are not available on this date, please let us know and we would be happy to discuss these changes one-on-one with you.
*AU stands for Authorized User. A named user license ie. One license required per named user.
** PVU stand for Processor Value Unit. This a server license, the server itself if licensed therefore there is no limit to the number of users.